A robot is a machine that emulates the actions of humans that assists them, as it is a product of the robotics field. As robots were originally built to perform a monotonous task and they have evolved to perform tasks like fighting fires, cleaning homes, and assisting with incredible operations. There is a wide range of robot autonomy.
In the year 1942, the world of computers and robotics was originally published in Isaac Asimov's science fiction story of Runaround. These robots are used as mechanical arms to screw certain parts of the screw of the car.
A robot is an automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings. In 2005 almost 90 percent of all robots are used to assemble cars and manufacturing automobiles.
As Technology evolves robotic scope has also expanded and today we see an evolved expanded definition of robots that includes development and creation.
A programmable industrial robot was the first stationary robot that was electronically controlled with the hydraulic heavy lifting arm which had the ability to move in arbitrary motions . In the year 1954, the American engineer George Devol invented it.
A robot that encompasses robot design engineering and operation has advanced tremendously over the last 50 years.
The machinery of robots is controlled and powered by electrical components . As electrical
current a battery for example is required to power the vast majority of robots.
The motors and controls of robots must be powered by electrical components.Typically,robots use of electric current of robots. Most Robots contain at least a little bit of computer code. A robot would not be much more than a piece of simple machinery if it did not have a code of telling not what to do as programming a robot gives it the capability of knowing when how to perform task and also programming a robot will provide an ability to know when an how to accomplish a task.