Wearing victory on the sleeves, Information Technology (IT) offers a promising career to the students. The undisputed king of engineering field, IT is growing tremendously with every passing year. However, there is no denial of the fact that this stream is not devoid of challenges. Surprisingly it has emerged triumphant in trampling all the problems and has retained its supremacy in the industry. Nevertheless, one cannot opt for this sector without learning more about the future prospects of B Tech Information Technology (IT), as ignoring the truth only lands one in a pool of irreversible career blows, which leave long-lasting bruises. Undoubtedly, today, a student with a degree, whether Master’s or Bachelor’s in Information Technology, can get a job easily, but what about tomorrow. So, following a rule of thumb – “explore things before finalizing”, hereby some of the important points have been discussed with respect to the career scope of Information Technology, but before that try to get a clear picture of what IT is.
What➡️ is Information Technology?
One of the most commonly used acronyms in the world of education is IT; still very few actually know what this field is all about. In a layman’s word, this is a study which covers the use of computer systems. Perhaps that is why IT has become a synonym of computers for a common man. However, IT has many more things to offer and is not just confined to the boundaries of the computer system and is used to study the use of varied systems, such as telecommunications. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, Information Technology is “the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing, accessing, analysing and sending information”. This means that the students choosing this field have to deal with many things like the infrastructure, development, storage, processing, and networking of devices apart from exchanging various forms of electronic data and its security. In fact,security has become a major threat to the future of IT.
➡️What makes IT amazing choice?
Information Technology has become a favorite choice not only for students but also for their parents, as it opens the roads for abroad. This popularity of IT is also due to its potential of improving the lives of a common man. A byword for smart life, Information technology has been the main catalyst to make the existence of mankind simpler, smoother and easier. In the contemporary world, a man with information has the power to turn the wheels of fortune. In addition to this, IT also challenges the competence of an individual and motivates them to come up with ideas that can transform the structure of human life. The stupendous role of Information Technology is well reflected in multi-national corporations, large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap businesses that involves and in a plethora of works like management of data, inventory, customer relationship, Information Systems, etc. Some of the most popular and mind-boggling ideas which are running on the wheels of IT are:
Social➡️ media networking-
1)Patient portals
2)Digital marketing
3)Mobile Applications
4)Website Applications
5)Online shopping Portals
6)Internet Banking