Explore your neighbourhood, help with the energy transition, or simply turn off the standby mode... there are many ways to get involved! Municipalities, groups, and individuals can use the "Change the Future" tool to help create a better life for everyone. We give people the option to assist trigger huge changes by completing small tasks using the "Change the Future" application. However, we do not want to stop at individual devotion; instead, we want to emphasise possibilities to collaborate and get involved in the pursuit of a better life for all.
Municipalities have the option of entering a friendly competition - for example, with a partner city or a neighbouring municipality. Who will be able to persuade the most people to use the tool? Who knows if their local legislature will even commit for the next three weeks?
Within towns, groups can form in a variety of ways, including among colleagues, classmates, or friends. Individuals can also join pre-existing organisations, form their own, or participate just on their own.