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Tilasmi Patthar is a story about a stone having magical powers embedded in it. There is a evils who want to became the queen of Hell and destroy the world. Shiyakal is a most powerful evil but at the end evils are dead. You have read many other magical stones but this story well Fits your mind with thrill and adventure. The suspense at each page well provide you to read it further. There is a three-fold mystery behind the Tilasmi Patthar hidden in the words of this book. At the last of every story negative character have to be defeated by the positive character. This Story is a full of Thrill and adventure. The terrible and magical world of Hell’s Gate is a home for all the Evils. After Reading the ‘Tilasmi Patthar’ Book, share your Experience about it and Write Review where you purchase it or you can WhatsApp us on +91 9650837361 or also you DM us on Instagram handle: @bhargav_vishal20

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Book Publish by Xpress Publishing

Cover Design: Notion Press

Book Design: Designer


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