The reactive machine type is the most basic variety of AI. It merely reacts to current scenarios and cannot rely on upon taught or recalled data to make decisions in the present. Reactive machines do away with maps and other forms of pre-planning altogether and focus on live observations of the environment. They are given specific tasks and don’t have capabilities beyond those duties. They’re what you’re most likely to see when witnessing a robot playing a game, like chess, against a human. But reactive machines don’t interact with the world, so they respond to identical situations in the same ways every time those scenarios are encountered.
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Mechanical Power Transmission
Power transmission is a process required in almost every piece of machinery. From the tiny motors in pop-up selfie cameras to the innovative transmission lines of the Large Hadron Collider, power transmission applications are all around us. We use power transmission methods to transmit power from the prime mover to the driven machinery for its function. There are four main types of power transmission – mechanical, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic. In this article,
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What are reactive machines?
What are reactive machines?
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